A thought:

We are faced with constant stimuli all around us. Rather then diving into or over identifying with specific stimuli we can just be in flow with the world and everything that comes our way. Like passing clouds we can fully experience things and then just let them go.  We can just be. This is where the magic flow state  of the world lives.

I can't really dance, but i have developed a saying lately- dance with everything. Part of this idea is when we were a child, at least when I was one- everything was exciting and every little detail worth celebrating. There was a newness to everything. But the thing is, that newness still exists in every moment all around us. We simply often present our preconceived notions, memories and judgements into things.

So many times I find somewhere quiet to sit and find a rhythm of breathing where the breath can free the energy in all parts of my body. And from this space, I become a child again seeing everything for its intricacies and waves of energy that don’t have to bring any judgement into. Things all of a sudden become timeless in a way and this dance has a way of turning disconnection into connection.

To me this energetic dance is one of the core ideas of 2B Blank.